
Want To Be A Ventriloquist?

Ever wondered how to be a ventriloquist?  Where would you go to learn ventriloquism?  Why would you want to learn?

Jeff Dunham is the world’s highest grossing touring comedian.  He’s been seen almost half a billion times on Youtube, has four top selling comedy DVD’s and regularly sells out arenas around the world.  Not bad for a ventriloquist. 

Terry Fator won America’s Got Talent.  He now headlines his own theatre at the Mirage Casino in Las Vegas.  It is rumored he earned over $20 million last year.  Not bad for another ventriloquist.

Jay Johnson starred in the hit comedy television SOAP.  He went on to star in a one man broadway show called the Two And Only.  Jay won a Tony Award for his performance.  Again, not bad for another ventriloquist.
Ventriloquism is a popular form of entertainment.  There are more professional ventriloquists earning their living making puppets talk, than at any other time in history.  In addition to headlining theatres and arenas, ventriloquists appear on television, at corporate functions, and on cruise ships.

The skills of ventriloquism require practice.  If you try to learn ventriloquism from a book, you are in for a tough time.  It is hard to explain in print how you must move your tongue inside of your mouth to create the sound “B”, without moving your lips.  Most ventriloquists spent years in front of a mirror, through a process of trial and error, to perfect the skill.
The easiest way to learn ventriloquism is to take private lessons with a professional ventriloquist.  Those lessons can add up quickly and become very expensive.

That is why professional ventriloquist Tom Crowl created the first time released on-line ventriloquism course.  The course features 36 lessons that contain HD video, written instructions, practice sessions and homework.  Crowl planned the course to keep you engaged with the learning process.  The lessons allow students time to practice the techniques and gain the skill.
The online ventriloquism course may be found on his web site at: http://www.learn-ventriloquism.com/

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